Musicals for Young People in French
Kids' Factory's Musicals: Written and composed by Laurent Grynszpan
All musicals are in French and for children age 8 and up, professional & semi-professional choirs, instrumentalists, theatre troups or performing arts programs. To find out more about these programs, rental and/or purchase of scores, please visit Taklit.
• A la Recherche des Etoiles (Searching for Stars) A Musical in French for all ages by Laurent Grynszpan. A work of fiction based on the true experience of a 12-year old Jewish girl in Paris in 1942 and a tribute to those who show courage in the face of violence and treachery, an hommage those who save them.
For solo voices, children’s choir, piano, oboe, cello, contrebass
• Le Sculpteur de Songes (The Dream Sculptor) or, "how a grandson deals with the memories of his immigrant grandfather". For solo voices, children's choir, piano, violin and cello. (In French only).
• L'Orchestre Funambule A tribute to the American soldier Joseph Schlesinger, landed at Utah Beach and all the Allies and resistance forces that liberated the world of Nazi barbarism. A musical tale for chamber orchestra and children's voices. (Available only in French).
Commissioned by the Conservatoire d'Orsay, France